Sunday, December 20, 2009

This Feeling inside me....

Have you guys ever experienced it? That special feeling which stays with you and never goes away? The feeling which makes you want to cry but at the same time smiling with glee? The kinda feeling which keeps you up until 4 in the morning, thinking about them possibilities? Well, I don't know bout girls, I'm pretty sure they have it, but normally i see guys having this darn feeling.

It won't stop. When you know, Mrs. Right is waiting for you. not Mrs. Right Now, but Mrs. Right Forever. Shes the Chosen One. the one who sticks by you through thick and thin. No, this is not some fling but a real feeling. It makes you want to throw yourself off a building, or push yourself to greater heights for that special person.

But it is pretty difficult to confess to that person, specially for a guy. Cuz, as usual, guys have their ego to uphold and their so called Macho-ness. I have that same shit with me. So when they get this feeling, their balls start to shrink, hand start to sweat and we get all clammy. We can't even speak to that special person, but we know how dear they are to us.

We would protect that special person, even if it takes our life. We would sacrifice all the riches in the world for that one person. For me, I would die for that person. When I think of her, wow, its like theres no-one there but her and I.

Next step, Imagining the confession moment, which goes 2 ways. Either she accepts (Owh please dear Lord, THANK YOU JESUS) or she dumps you (Screw the world god dammit!) It all depends how close you are to that person, not too close nor too far apart. For me, I express my love better written rather than speaking (Cuz of the damn clammy-ness). Poems, Love notes, and songs. All those are my arsenal of weapons in the battle of love. Plus, i don't normally write notes and shit, but I don't know why, I have one right now, written but still on the editing stage.

Basically, Its not all about talk but the subtle ways matter too. No skype, Msn nor text messaging. It all has to be done face to face. This is when our balls start to shrink. Well, enough from me. I'm having that damn feeling again which is making me smile to my computer.

And to you, That special person I hold so deep in my heart, If you are seeing this;

I love you,
From the bottom of my heart,
I do.

Even if you don't accept me,
I will be there to guide you,
Protect you, and keep you safe.

I will be your Guardian Angel,
In the dark.

For the rest, Please don't ask who it is. Because I hold this person very close to my heart and I'd rather admit/confess on my own. Thank you so much.

Thats all from me

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you Adure

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