Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ahh well, from the topic above, I think you guys know what I'm talking bout. So yeah, being the 2nd in line, in family of course, I've come to realize the many privileges the first born gets.

I don't know why this happens but yeah, it could be a tradition from biblical times, where the first born was often revered. Guess what, It still is going on.....

What i realize is that, the first born escapes with literally everything with minimum punishment or so, but the exact opposite for the 2nd born. Simple stuff, day to day life things which can be carried out by everyone, is often pushed to the 2nd born.

Why you may ask? Simple, the 2nd born is less significant, because he came 2nd, just another ordinary child, unlike the first born which is taken as a gift from god himself...but aren't all of us children of God? God's Gift? Well yeah, and often, the 2nd born doesn't get to decide nor get a say in any decision makings. It will just be shoved to the back of deaf ears....

As my mum was saying, "Your older brother is more special, not to say that all of you are not special, its just that he is MORE special" You can only imagine the hurt I felt when she said this. But what to do eh? I actually get her cuz he was a miracle baby and all, but tht doesn't mean he can be treated like a king right? He doesn't do the dishes nor clean the house, Gets to go out without say and STAY OVER!!

What happens to the 2nd born? Put to fill in the gaps...Do dishes, clean the home and confined in a jail box!!! IT PISSES ME OFF!!! Nothing more to say....

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you Adure!

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